class NeuronModels::SpikeSource


Empty neuron which allows setting spikes from external sources. More…

#include <neuronModels.h>

class SpikeSource: public NeuronModels::Base
    // typedefs

    typedef Snippet::ValueBase<0> ParamValues;
    typedef Models::VarInitContainerBase<0> VarValues;
    typedef Models::VarInitContainerBase<0> PreVarValues;
    typedef Models::VarInitContainerBase<0> PostVarValues;

    // methods

    static const NeuronModels::SpikeSource* getInstance();
    virtual std::string getThresholdConditionCode() const;

Inherited Members

    // typedefs

    typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVec;
    typedef std::vector<EGP> EGPVec;
    typedef std::vector<ParamVal> ParamValVec;
    typedef std::vector<DerivedParam> DerivedParamVec;
    typedef std::vector<Var> VarVec;

    // structs

    struct DerivedParam;
    struct EGP;
    struct ParamVal;
    struct Var;

    // methods

    virtual ~Base();
    virtual StringVec getParamNames() const;
    virtual DerivedParamVec getDerivedParams() const;
    virtual VarVec getVars() const;
    virtual EGPVec getExtraGlobalParams() const;
    size_t getVarIndex(const std::string& varName) const;
    size_t getExtraGlobalParamIndex(const std::string& paramName) const;
    virtual std::string getSimCode() const;
    virtual std::string getThresholdConditionCode() const;
    virtual std::string getResetCode() const;
    virtual std::string getSupportCode() const;
    virtual Models::Base::ParamValVec getAdditionalInputVars() const;
    virtual bool isAutoRefractoryRequired() const;

Detailed Documentation

Empty neuron which allows setting spikes from external sources.

This model does not contain any update code and can be used to implement the equivalent of a SpikeGeneratorGroup in Brian or a SpikeSourceArray in PyNN.


virtual std::string getThresholdConditionCode() const

Gets code which defines the condition for a true spike in the described neuron model.

This evaluates to a bool (e.g. “V > 20”).