namespace CodeGenerator


Helper class for generating code - automatically inserts brackets, indents etc. More…

namespace CodeGenerator {

// namespaces

namespace CodeGenerator::CUDA;
    namespace CodeGenerator::CUDA::Optimiser;
    namespace CodeGenerator::CUDA::PresynapticUpdateStrategy;
    namespace CodeGenerator::CUDA::Utils;
namespace CodeGenerator::SingleThreadedCPU;
    namespace CodeGenerator::SingleThreadedCPU::Optimiser;

// typedefs

typedef NameIterCtx<Models::Base::VarVec> VarNameIterCtx;
typedef NameIterCtx<Snippet::Base::EGPVec> EGPNameIterCtx;
typedef NameIterCtx<Snippet::Base::DerivedParamVec> DerivedParamNameIterCtx;
typedef NameIterCtx<Snippet::Base::ParamValVec> ParamValIterCtx;

// structs

struct FunctionTemplate;

template <typename Container>
struct NameIterCtx;

struct PreferencesBase;

// classes

class BackendBase;
class CodeStream;
class MemAlloc;

template <typename BaseIter>
class StructNameConstIter;

class Substitutions;
class TeeBuf;
class TeeStream;

// global functions

void substitute(std::string& s, const std::string& trg, const std::string& rep);
bool regexVarSubstitute(std::string& s, const std::string& trg, const std::string& rep);
bool regexFuncSubstitute(std::string& s, const std::string& trg, const std::string& rep);

void functionSubstitute(
    std::string& code,
    const std::string& funcName,
    unsigned int numParams,
    const std::string& replaceFuncTemplate

template <typename NameIter>
void name_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    const std::string& prefix,
    NameIter namesBegin,
    NameIter namesEnd,
    const std::string& postfix = "",
    const std::string& ext = ""

void name_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    const std::string& prefix,
    const std::vector<std::string>& names,
    const std::string& postfix = "",
    const std::string& ext = ""

template <
    class T,
    typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type * = nullptr
void writePreciseString(
    std::ostream& os,
    T value

template <
    class T,
    typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type * = nullptr
std::string writePreciseString(T value);

template <typename NameIter>
void value_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    NameIter namesBegin,
    NameIter namesEnd,
    const std::vector<double>& values,
    const std::string& ext = ""

void value_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    const std::vector<std::string>& names,
    const std::vector<double>& values,
    const std::string& ext = ""

std::string ensureFtype(const std::string& oldcode, const std::string& type);
void checkUnreplacedVariables(const std::string& code, const std::string& codeName);

void preNeuronSubstitutionsInSynapticCode(
    std::string& wCode,
    const SynapseGroupInternal& sg,
    const std::string& offset,
    const std::string& axonalDelayOffset,
    const std::string& postIdx,
    const std::string& devPrefix,
    const std::string& preVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& preVarSuffix = ""

void postNeuronSubstitutionsInSynapticCode(
    std::string& wCode,
    const SynapseGroupInternal& sg,
    const std::string& offset,
    const std::string& backPropDelayOffset,
    const std::string& preIdx,
    const std::string& devPrefix,
    const std::string& postVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& postVarSuffix = ""

void neuronSubstitutionsInSynapticCode(
    std::string& wCode,
    const SynapseGroupInternal& sg,
    const std::string& preIdx,
    const std::string& postIdx,
    const std::string& devPrefix,
    double dt,
    const std::string& preVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& preVarSuffix = "",
    const std::string& postVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& postVarSuffix = ""

GENN_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& s,
    const CodeStream::OB& ob

GENN_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (
    std::ostream& s,
    const CodeStream::CB& cb

GENN_EXPORT std::vector<std::string> generateAll(
    const ModelSpecInternal& model,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    const filesystem::path& outputPath,
    bool standaloneModules = false

void generateInit(
    CodeStream& os,
    const ModelSpecInternal& model,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    bool standaloneModules

void GENN_EXPORT generateMakefile(
    std::ostream& os,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    const std::vector<std::string>& moduleNames

void GENN_EXPORT generateMPI(CodeStream& os, const ModelSpecInternal& model, const BackendBase& backend, bool standaloneModules);

void GENN_EXPORT generateMSBuild(
    std::ostream& os,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    const std::string& projectGUID,
    const std::vector<std::string>& moduleNames

void generateNeuronUpdate(
    CodeStream& os,
    const ModelSpecInternal& model,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    bool standaloneModules

MemAlloc generateRunner(
    CodeStream& definitions,
    CodeStream& definitionsInternal,
    CodeStream& runner,
    const ModelSpecInternal& model,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    int localHostID

void generateSupportCode(
    CodeStream& os,
    const ModelSpecInternal& model

void generateSynapseUpdate(
    CodeStream& os,
    const ModelSpecInternal& model,
    const BackendBase& backend,
    bool standaloneModules

} // namespace CodeGenerator

Detailed Documentation

Helper class for generating code - automatically inserts brackets, indents etc.

Based heavily on:

Global Functions

void substitute(std::string& s, const std::string& trg, const std::string& rep)

Tool for substituting strings in the neuron code strings or other templates.

bool regexVarSubstitute(
    std::string& s,
    const std::string& trg,
    const std::string& rep

Tool for substituting variable names in the neuron code strings or other templates using regular expressions.

bool regexFuncSubstitute(
    std::string& s,
    const std::string& trg,
    const std::string& rep

Tool for substituting function names in the neuron code strings or other templates using regular expressions.

void functionSubstitute(
    std::string& code,
    const std::string& funcName,
    unsigned int numParams,
    const std::string& replaceFuncTemplate

This function substitutes function calls in the form:

$(functionName, parameter1, param2Function(0.12, “string”))

with replacement templates in the form:

actualFunction(CONSTANT, $(0), $(1))

template <typename NameIter>
void name_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    const std::string& prefix,
    NameIter namesBegin,
    NameIter namesEnd,
    const std::string& postfix = "",
    const std::string& ext = ""

This function performs a list of name substitutions for variables in code snippets.

void name_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    const std::string& prefix,
    const std::vector<std::string>& names,
    const std::string& postfix = "",
    const std::string& ext = ""

This function performs a list of name substitutions for variables in code snippets.

template <
    class T,
    typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type * = nullptr
void writePreciseString(
    std::ostream& os,
    T value

This function writes a floating point value to a stream -setting the precision so no digits are lost.

template <
    class T,
    typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type * = nullptr
std::string writePreciseString(T value)

This function writes a floating point value to a string - setting the precision so no digits are lost.

template <typename NameIter>
void value_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    NameIter namesBegin,
    NameIter namesEnd,
    const std::vector<double>& values,
    const std::string& ext = ""

This function performs a list of value substitutions for parameters in code snippets.

void value_substitutions(
    std::string& code,
    const std::vector<std::string>& names,
    const std::vector<double>& values,
    const std::string& ext = ""

This function performs a list of value substitutions for parameters in code snippets.

std::string ensureFtype(const std::string& oldcode, const std::string& type)

This function implements a parser that converts any floating point constant in a code snippet to a floating point constant with an explicit precision (by appending “f” or removing it).

void checkUnreplacedVariables(
    const std::string& code,
    const std::string& codeName

This function checks for unknown variable definitions and returns a gennError if any are found.

void preNeuronSubstitutionsInSynapticCode(
    std::string& wCode,
    const SynapseGroupInternal& sg,
    const std::string& offset,
    const std::string& axonalDelayOffset,
    const std::string& postIdx,
    const std::string& devPrefix,
    const std::string& preVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& preVarSuffix = ""

suffix to be used for presynaptic variable accesses - typically combined with prefix to wrap in function call such as __ldg(&XXX)

Function for performing the code and value substitutions necessary to insert neuron related variables, parameters, and extraGlobal parameters into synaptic code.

void postNeuronSubstitutionsInSynapticCode(
    std::string& wCode,
    const SynapseGroupInternal& sg,
    const std::string& offset,
    const std::string& backPropDelayOffset,
    const std::string& preIdx,
    const std::string& devPrefix,
    const std::string& postVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& postVarSuffix = ""

suffix to be used for postsynaptic variable accesses - typically combined with prefix to wrap in function call such as __ldg(&XXX)

void neuronSubstitutionsInSynapticCode(
    std::string& wCode,
    const SynapseGroupInternal& sg,
    const std::string& preIdx,
    const std::string& postIdx,
    const std::string& devPrefix,
    double dt,
    const std::string& preVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& preVarSuffix = "",
    const std::string& postVarPrefix = "",
    const std::string& postVarSuffix = ""

Function for performing the code and value substitutions necessary to insert neuron related variables, parameters, and extraGlobal parameters into synaptic code.

suffix to be used for postsynaptic variable accesses - typically combined with prefix to wrap in function call such as __ldg(&XXX)

void GENN_EXPORT generateMPI(CodeStream& os, const ModelSpecInternal& model, const BackendBase& backend, bool standaloneModules)

A function that generates predominantly MPI infrastructure code.

In this function MPI infrastructure code are generated, including: MPI send and receive functions.